A basic Alert component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization Alert component with the Props
isVisibleisVisible props props for show or hide Alert modal and its type boolean
type3 types of alert for Alert modal is 'success','error','warning' and its type string
iconprops for changing success,error,warning icon of the modal and its type string
backButtonPressbackButtonPress props is called when the Android back button is pressed and its type Fucntion
backdropPressbackdropPress props is called when outside of the modal is pressed and its type Function
modalWidthmodalWidth props for changing width of the modal and type number between (0 to 100)
modalPaddingmodalPadding props for providing padding to Alert modal and type number
titleprops for changing title text and type string
subTitleprops for changing subTitle text and type string
descriptionprops for changing description text and type string
button1set to true button1 shows default false and type boolean
button1Textprops for the button1 text and type string
button1Onpressprops for onpress function for button1 and type Function
button2set to true button2 shows default false and type boolean
button2Textprops for the button2 text and type string
button2Onpressprops for onpress function for button2 and type Function
titleFontSizeprops for changing font size of the title and type number
titleFontColorprops for changing font color of the title and type string
titleFontWeightprops for changing font weight of the title and type string-'bold'
subTitleFontSizeprops for changing font size of the subTitle and type number
subTitleFontColorprops for changing font color of the subTitle and type string
subTitleFontWeightprops for changing font weight of the subTitle and type string-'bold'
descriptionFontSizeprops for changing font size of the description and type number
descriptionFontColorprops for changing font color of the description and type string
descriptionFontWeightprops for changing font weight of the description and type string-'bold'
button1FontSizeprops for changing font size of the button1 and type number
button1FontColorprops for changing font color of the button1 and type string
button1FontWeightprops for changing font weight of the button1 and type string-'bold'
button2FontSizeprops for changing font size of the button2 and type number
button2FontColorprops for changing font color of the button2 and type string
button2FontWeightprops for changing font weight of the button2 and type string-'bold'