Section List
A basic FlatList component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization FlatList component with the Props
Propshere all the list of Props you can use for FlatList Component and it Inherits all FlatListProps Props, from React Native
dataFor simplicity, data is a plain array. If you want to use something else, like an immutable list, use the underlying VirtualizedList directly.
renderItemTakes an item from data and renders it into the list.
Provides additional metadata like index if you need it, as well as a more generic separators.updateProps function which let you set whatever props you want to change the rendering of either the leading separator or trailing separator in case the more common highlight and unhighlight (which set the highlighted: boolean prop) are insufficient for your use case.
bgColorprops can change the background color of the flatlist area type string
by defalut it is white color#
paddingAllprops for padding for all the four sides of the Body by default it none number
by defalut it is none#
paddingLRprops for padding for left and right of the Body by default it none number
by defalut it is none#
paddingTBprops for padding for top and bottom the four sides of the Body by default it none number
by defalut it is none#
inlineStyleprops give addition props to the Button element type Object