A basic ListText component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization ListText component with the Props
datadata props of the Listtext Component used to list the data and its type Array of object>
typetype props is used to sets the list item marker to a bullet and its type 'numbered' | 'bullet' | square
bulletSizebulletSize props is used to change the size of the bullet or square size and its type number
bulletColorprops for changing bullet or square color and type string
ListItemFontSizeprops for changing font size of the list text and type number
listItemFontColorprops for changing font color of the list text and type string
listItemFontWeightprops for changing font weight of the list text and type string-'bold'
bottomSpaceprops for providing padding bottom to the list and type number
inlineStyleprops give addition props to the Button element type Object