A basic DocumentPicker component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization Image component with the Props
Propshere all the list of Props you can use for StarRating Component and it Inherits all ViewProps, from React Native
typeprops gives you single or multiple filetype, type string default value is single
filesprops gives you what will be picked from phone it will be return the file data, type function
widthprops gives you width of button type number default value is 100
heightprops gives you height of button type number default value is 30
bgColorprops gives you bgColor type string default value is Blue
borderRadiusprops gives you borderRadius type number default value is 5px
base64props type is boolean. If you give true the uri can be converted to base64 format from your picker file data and default type is false
fileTypethis props gives you different pickerFormat like'allFiles' | 'images' | 'plainText' | 'audio' | 'pdf' type string and default value is allFiles
filesizeprop type is number.If you give the number size of file will be less than or equal to picker file data.Incase picker file greater than filesize it will return large file.
buttonLabelprops render the list of jsx elements
dataprops render the list of jsx elements with your picker file data