A basic SearchBar component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization SearchBar component with the Props
searchValuesearchValue props of the SearchBar Component used to search the value and its type string
onChangeTextcallback that is called when the text input's text changes Function
placeHolderThe string that will be rendered before text input has been entered. and its type string
placeHolderColorThe text color of the placeholder string and type string
paddingLRprovide left and right padding between search icon and cancel icon text and type number
searchIconset to true to provide icon to left of the input and type boolean and default is false
inputTextFontSizeprops for changing font size of the TextInput and type number
inputTextFontColorprops for changing font color of the TextInput and type string
inputTextFontWeightprops for changing font weight of the TextInput and type string-'bold'
searchBarBorderColorprops for changing color of the input text border and type string
searchBarHeightprops for providing height to the search bar and type number
searchBarBorderRadiusprops for providing border radius to the search bar and type number
searchIconSizeprops for changing size of the search icon and type number
CancelTextSizeprops for changing size of the cancel icon and type number