A basic Divider component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization View component with the Props
Propshere all the list of Props you can use for Divider Component and it Inherits all ViewProps Props, from React Native
lablethis props give you to add text within the Divider
lable defalut props is none#
textWidththis props you can adjust space of the text on Divider
textWidth defalut props is 30px#
textColorprops give addition props to change the text color
textColor defalut props black#
borderColorprops give addition props to change the border color
borderColor defalut props black#
borderWidthprops give addition props to change the border width
borderWidth defalut props 1px#
marginAllprops for margin for all the four sides of the Body by default it none number
marginAll defalut props none#
marginLRprops for margin for left and right sides of the Body by default it none number
marginLR defalut props none#
marginTBprops for margin for top and bottom sides of the Body by default it none number
marginTB defalut props none#
inlineStyleprops give addition props to the Button element type Object