A basic PopOver component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization Image component with the Props
Propshere all the list of Props you can use for StarRating Component and it Inherits all ViewProps, from React Native
positionthis props gives you different position like | 'TopLeft'| 'TopMiddle'| 'TopRight'| 'MiddleLeft'| 'MiddleMiddle'| 'MiddleRight'| 'BottomLeft'| 'BottomMiddle'| 'BottomRight'; type string and default value is MiddleMiddle
widthprops gives you width of button type number default value is 100
modelVisibleprops type is boolean. If give the value true it show the model
onBackdropPressprop type is function . If you want to click the OuterView of contentView , function will be called ex:onBackdropPress={()=>{modelvisbile(false)}}
onpressprop type is function . If you click the button onpress function will be called ex:onpress={()=>{modelvisbile(true)}}
buttonColorprops gives you buttonColor type string default value is gray
buttonStyleprops give addition props to the button element type Object
contentStyleprops give addition props to the content element type Object
contentprops render the jsx elements ..ex: content={
contentBgColorprops gives you contentBgColor type string default value is white
contentWidthprops gives you contentWidth type number default value is 250 number
paddingAllprops for padding for all the four sides of the content by default it 10 number
paddingLRprops for padding for all the left and right sides of the content by default it none number
paddingTBprops for padding for all the top and bottom sides of the content by default it none number