A basic Table component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization Table component with the Props
Propshere all the list of Props you can use for Avatar Component and it Inherits all ViewProps Props, from React Native
header_Aligin_centerprops gives you header_Aligin_center it will change the header text into center of column., type boolean
header_fontSizeprops gives you header_fontSize like 14, 16 etc.,., type number default value is 16
header_fontWeightprops give you header_fontWeight show suggestion like | 'normal'| 'bold'| '100'| '200'|'300' ..etc
header_colorTextprops give you header_colorText type string default color is black
header_backgroundColorprops give you header_backgroundColor type string default color is white
value_Aligin_centerprops gives you value_Aligin_center type boolean it will change the header text into center of column.
value_fontSizeprops gives you value_fontSize type number like 12,14..etc and default value is 13
value_colorTextprops give you value_colorText type string default color is black
value_fontWeightprops give you header_fontWeight show suggestion like | 'normal'| 'bold'| '100'| '200'|'300' ..etc
value_backgroundColorprops give you value_backgroundColor type string default color is white
border_VerticalWidthprops give you border_VerticalWidth type number it will change vertical line increases based on your border_VerticalWidth,default value is 1
value_borderbottomprops give you border_VerticalWidth type number it will change bottom line increases based on your value_borderbottom,default value is 1
paddingAllprops for padding for all the four sides of the Table by default it none number
paddingLRprops for padding for left and right of the Table by default it none number
paddingTBprops for padding for top and bottom the four sides of the Table by default it none number
inlineStyleprops for addition props to the Table element Object