A basic Chip component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a good level of customization.
You can customization Chip component with the Props
Propshere all the list of Props you can use for Avatar Component and it Inherits all ViewProps Props, from React Native
sourcesource props for give the image url to the Avatar by default it show some ramdom image url type string before loading the image it will show you gray background color
ImageSizethis props gives you 3 different imagesize like 'large' | 'small' | 'medium' type string default value is medium
modethis props gives you two types of mode 'flat' | 'outlined' type string
avatarif you give the source props,it must be avatar will be true otherwise it will not show the image in chips component
customSizeif you give the customsize props type number it will increase the image Size.ex:customSize={20}
fontSizeif you give the fontSize props type number it will increase the text size and default value is 13
textColorif you give the textColor props type string it will chage the text color and default color is black
borderRadiusif you give the borderRadius props type number it will change the borderRadius of Image only and default value is 25
ViewBgColorif you give the ViewBgcolor props string it will change the Backgroundcolor of chip component and default color is black
ViewBorderRadiusif you give the ViewBorderRadius props type number it will change the borderRadius of chip component and default value is 10
oncloseif you give the onclose props type function it will show the close button in chip component
onpressif you give the onpress props type function it will show the selected value and it must be source and avatar